Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sweatshirts, the zoo, and softball!

This Jackson, Tyler, and Eden our neighbor. Don't you just love their new jackets? Grandma Janet takes each of the kids school shopping and to lunch, and this jacket is what Jack came home with, along with some other great school clothes. As soon as I saw my mom, she said, "Sorry Joey, I tried talking him out of it, but he wanted it!" Jack is a pretty stubborn kiddo! So of coarse we had to head back to Kohls and get one for Carter and Tyler. They wanted in on the fun! They have actually had a lot of fun with these!

One day we were waiting for Maddy's game to begin, so we walked over to the little Zoo! Jack had been asking to go all summer, so it was perfect timing! The boys had so much fun!

Then it was off to the tournament.  Maddy did a great job!  These pictures were sent to me, and they were a little blurry, but I wanted one of her awesome team.  They are so much fun, and it has been such a great learning experience!

1 comment:

  1. This is fun to get to see what your family is up to! Our blog is Thanks for the invite!!!

    And I love the jackets! I was trying to guess who is who. :)
